Making decisions about long-term care can be overwhelming.
Choices for Care is a program that works with you, your family and any authorized representatives to learn about your options for long-term care services and supports.
Choices may include:
Illinois law (Public Act 89-21) requires that all persons age 60 and over who are seeking admission to a long-term care facility be informed of all care options prior to admission, regardless of the individual’s income, assets, or funding source.
Care Coordinators from Ford County Public Health Department conduct a free Choices for Care screening consultation to assist you, your family and/or any authorized representative in learning about your options for care. Screens are primarily completed in hospitals prior to patient discharge, but they can also be completed in the community, at a Supportive Living Program location, or at a Nursing Facility. The screening process gives individuals and their families the opportunity to learn and ask questions about home and community-based services and long-term care services. This may include the services and supports identified within the Community Care Program, the Supportive Living Program— as well as the option of choosing a Nursing Facility— for continuing care. Care Coordinators have been trained and certified by the Illinois Department on Aging.
A Care Coordinator will conduct a functional needs assessment to determine your eligibility for long-term care services. You will be asked about your abilities to perform daily activities, such as personal care, preparing meals, shopping, housework and if you currently have any assistance with these activities. The screen also includes questions which help to identify if there is a “reasonable basis to suspect an Intellectual/Developmental Disability or a Mental Illness.” If either of these is suspected, a more thorough assessment may be conducted to ensure the individual receives the services they need in the setting they qualify for and choose. This will be explained in detail during the screening process. Based on your assessment, the Care Coordinator will provide you with information to assist you with choosing home and community-based services or Nursing Facility care.
Yes, you can still go to a Nursing Facility, if that is the service you choose, and if you have met the functional eligibility requirements. The consultation is designed to give you more information about your choices, but the final decision about the services you will receive is yours to make.
In instances of short-term Nursing Facility placements for purposes of rehabilitation or respite, Care Coordinators are encouraged to conduct follow-up screenings in the Nursing Facility to facilitate a return to the community, if and when possible. Please let the Care Coordinator know if you would like a follow-up visit.
Costs for services and supports will vary. Depending on your income and assets, you may be eligible for state or federal assistance to pay for your services.
Contact Ford County Public Health Department to request a Choices for Care screening. You can reach our staff at (217) 379-9281.
Kami Kimmel, Full-Time Care Coordinator Don McCall, Care Coordinator Lana Sample, Care Coordinator