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Ford County Public Health Department Offers Medicare Open Enrollment Assistance

Ford County Public Health Department Offers Medicare Open Enrollment Assistance


Medicare’s open enrollment ends December 7, 2018, so now is the time to compare prescription drug plans.  It is important for Medicare beneficiaries to review their prescription drug coverage each year.  A beneficiary can stay with their current plan or look for a new one with better coverage, higher quality, and lower cost.

Medicare beneficiaries can go online at to complete their own comparison but many people find it confusing.  Ford County Public Health Department is here to help with this process.

Lana Sample and Don McCall, SHIP Counselors, from the Ford County Public Health Department will be available to assist Medicare beneficiaries in comparing plans for 2018 at various locations throughout Ford County.  The dates and locations are as follows:

Thursday, November 8, 2018              Moyer District Library, Gibson City     10:00 am - 12:00 pm  

Thursday, November 13, 2018            Piper City Library, Piper City               10:00 am - 12:00 pm

By appointment at the Gibson City Telecare office – Call 217-379-9281

By appointment at the Health Department Office in Paxton – Call 217-379-9281

Individuals should bring a current list of medications, Medicare card, and any other insurance cards.


Link to "10-26-18 Medicare Open Enrollment Assistance.pdf"


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